Whether it is First Aid Training
Medics for your event,
Counselling Services,
We have the right people to help.
Finalist in the 2017 Hobsons Bay Business Excellence Awards
Training - Events - Counselling
Lifesaving Knowlege
Knowing what to when an emergency happens is essential at work, at home and even when out socially.
Don't be the person who stands back and says "What If?"
Be the empowered person who can change an outcome for the better becuase of the knowlege you have gained.
Our Training Partnership is with Rich River First Aid, RTO: 40990
Medics for your event
We supply well trained and experienced medics to all types of events, from large outdoor music festivals to small gatherings of less than 100 people.
We will provide a Certificate of Currency of our Insurance Policy whenever we confirm our attendance.
We will not confirm any event until we are 100% definite that we are available.
We Never Stop Learning
At F.A.T.E - First Aid Training & Equipment, we’re committed to encouraging both staff and students to continuously learn.
By continuously monitoring industry standards and new innovations, we are able to supply the best practice team for your needs
We have been operating since 2003, providing Training, Medics for Events and the latest addition in 2013, Counselling services.
We cover Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland.
"Have bandages, will travel".
Our client list include Governments, Music Tour Organisers, Festivals, Schools, Equestrian, Motoring Clubs, Film Production and many more.
We also donate our services to worthy charitable organisations, such as The Miracle Babies Foundation, Father Bob McGuire Foundation, Christmas By The Lakes, Carols by Candlelight run by the Hobsons Bay Council of Churches and events run by The Order of St John Northern Commandery.